プラモデルテクニックガイド 工作基本編
月刊モデルアートで好評連載中のFOLLOW YOUR HEARTの鋭之介‘初代’日野氏(初代ガンプラ王)。
B5判 頁数128(オールカラー)
お詫びと訂正 プラモデルテクニックガイド?工作基本編
"Plastic Model Technique Guide:
Basic Assembly Techniques - Cut, File, and Glue"
Follow Your Heart's sharpshooter, Hino, also known as the first Gundam model king, has been receiving great reviews for his monthly column in Model Art magazine.
Regardless of the genre, high-quality finished products are created from a high level of basic modeling skills.
Hino, the first Gundam model king, goes beyond the boundaries of scale and character and thoroughly introduces the "basic knowledge" necessary for plastic model assembly, using numerous photos and illustrations. The article covers resin material analysis, how to use appropriate adhesives for various materials, the principles and practice of modeling tools such as cutters, nippers, and files, and includes examples of model assembly, including silver monochromatic painting. Furthermore, from the perspective of material, adhesion, and assembly, the history of plastic models that differ from existing ones will be explored.
It is by mastering the basics that one can climb to greater heights!
Released 2019, December 17th.
B5 size
128 pages (full color).