《4847》1/48 J/AAQ-2 外装型FLIR
1/48J/AAQ-2 External FLIR

型番 4573322752095
在庫状況 在庫 4 売切れ間近!
《4847》1/48 J/AAQ-2 外装型FLIR

※ハセガワ 1/48 F-2に組み込む時は、若干の調整が必要になります。カメラ部分は透明レジン製の別パーツになっています。



《4847》1/48 J/AAQ-2 External FLIR

We are currently modeling the J/AAQ-2 in 3D and 3D printing it down to the smallest details. We accurately reproducing the specific shape of the dedicated pylon. Note that the pylon corresponds to the #RafAvi F-2A intake (#4827, #4828). There will be a template included for drilling holes for mounting pegs.

When integrating it into the Hasegawa 1/48 F-2, slight adjustments might be necessary.
The camera section will be a separate part made of transparent resin. Please note that due to the 3D printing using transparent resin, it may not achieve complete transparency in the kit's state.

The J/AAQ-2 is a domestically developed external FLIR (Forward-Looking Infrared) system designed for the F-2, utilizing an optical sensor for aiding visibility during low-altitude night flights and detecting/tracking potential attack targets. It's mounted through a dedicated pylon on the right side of the intake.
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